ACFSE – The First 10 Years
Welcome to the Alliance
for Consumer Fire Safety in Europe (ACFSE)
Man severely injured by fire started from a cigarette
11 March 2008: EU bans sale of non-child resistant and novelty cigarette lighters
10 March 2008: 5 year old child accidentally set fire on mattress
8 March 2008: 66 year old man with reduced mobility could not escape accidental fire
4 February 2008: Nine people, including five children, have been killed in house fire in Germany
The EU Commission is currently investigating RIP cigarettes as an additional step towards more fire safety in the EU
Click here for the position paper of ACFSE on RIP cigarettes.
Since 1 July 2007 , all mattresses sold in the United States have to offer match resistance and limited heat emission after exposure to gas burners
Fire Safety of TVs
Commission urges CENELEC to introduce higher fire safety standards for TVs as a “matter of urgency”. More
Czech Republic increases fire safety standards
More on Bob’s blog
Children and Fire Safety
More on Bob’s blog
Fire safety of upholstered furniture
More on Bob’s Blog
Burning behaviour of childrens nightwear
More on Bob’s blog
Deadly furniture fire
More on Bob’s blog
From July 2010 your TV will be better protected against external fire sources
ACFSE welcomes the adoption of Amendment 11 to the European Standard EN 60065 by CENELEC. As of July 2010 any TV sold in Europe will have to comply with a “candle accessible area” requirement. Consequently, our homes will become safer.
Over the past 10 years, ACFSE has been urging TV manufacturers and regulators to apply a higher degree of protection against the risk of ignition from external fire sources. We believe that this marks a major success that will lead to safer homes and better consumer protection, saving many lives. We will be working with regulators and manufacturers to ensure full and timely compliance with the new requirements.